Supporting Long-term Sustainable Conservation
Established in early 2010 by Scott Cecil, a businessman and philanthropist, and Dr. Richard Rice, longtime chief economist at Conservation International, Conservation Agreement Fund aims to serve as a bridge between conservation funding and grassroots project implementers who might otherwise have great difficulty in successfully attracting, negotiating, and managing project finance.

In Brief
The Conservation Agreement Fund is the only nonprofit devoted entirely to supporting on-the-ground conservation agreements in developing countries. Our focus is on serving a select portfolio of world-class projects.
Efficient and Effective Conservation
Under incentive-based conservation agreements, national authorities or local resource owners commit to protecting specific habitats or species in exchange for a steady stream of benefits. By making conservation itself a source of economic development, such agreements offer one of the few effective options for protecting biodiversity outside of national parks and other traditional protected areas.

In Brief
The Conservation Agreement Fund is the only nonprofit devoted entirely to supporting on-the-ground conservation agreements in developing countries. Our focus is on serving a select portfolio of world-class projects.
Efficient and Effective Conservation
Under incentive-based conservation agreements, national authorities or local resource owners commit to protecting specific habitats or species in exchange for a steady stream of benefits. By making conservation itself a source of economic development, such agreements offer one of the few effective options for protecting biodiversity outside of national parks and other traditional protected areas.